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Gastric Sleeve Surgery (Sleeve Gastrectomy) for Weight Loss in Türkiye Izmir

What is Gastric Sleeve

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a highly effective weight loss procedure offered by your Cruxcure agency in Izmir, Turkey. This surgical method involves reducing the stomach's capacity by approximately 75%, which aids in substantial long-term weight loss. As a result, not only will you achieve your desired weight goals, but your overall health will significantly improve.

How Does Gastric Sleeve Work?

A gastric sleeve works by permanently removing a large portion of the stomach, leaving a new, smaller stomach about the size of a banana. This reduces the amount of food your stomach can hold, making you feel full after consuming smaller portions. Consequently, you'll experience less hunger between meals, leading to a rapid and noticeable weight loss.

Furthermore, this surgery removes the section of the stomach responsible for producing the hunger-stimulating hormone ghrelin, effectively reducing your appetite.

History of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

The concept of gastric sleeve procedures was first introduced in 1988 as part of bariatric surgery to treat morbid and super morbid obesity, known as biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD-DS). In high-risk patients, the sleeve gastrectomy was initially proposed as the initial step followed by a second procedure involving gastric bypass.

The results of the initial sleeve gastrectomy procedure were remarkable, leading to the adoption of sleeve gastrectomy as a stand-alone weight loss procedure since 2003. Recognizing its efficacy, the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) updated its position statement on sleeve gastrectomy in 2012, acknowledging it as both a primary procedure and the first stage in a two-step surgery.

Benefits of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Undergoing a gastric sleeve surgery at your Cruxcure agency in Türkiye Izmir comes with several benefits, including:

  • Significant Calorie Reduction: This surgery drastically reduces your calorie intake, leading to remarkable weight loss in a relatively short time.

  • Reduced Appetite: The removal of ghrelin-producing stomach cells decreases appetite more effectively compared to other weight loss procedures.

  • No Bowel Rearrangement: Unlike gastric bypass, a gastric sleeve does not rearrange the bowel, reducing the likelihood of dumping syndrome and nutritional deficiencies.

  • Improved Medical Conditions: Weight loss resulting from this surgery can lead to improvements in various medical conditions such as asthma, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, and gastroesophageal disease (GERD).

Is Gastric Sleeve Right for Me?

If you meet the following criteria, gastric sleeve surgery may be the right option for you:

  • BMI Score: Your BMI score is 40 or more, or it is 35 or more with other medical conditions like type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure that can be improved by weight loss.

  • General Fitness: You are fit enough to undergo a general anesthetic and surgery.

  • Commitment to Lifestyle Changes: You are committed to losing weight and maintaining the weight loss through lifestyle and diet changes.

  • Previous Attempts: You have made previous attempts to lose weight through healthy eating, exercise, and relevant medications for at least six months without success.

It's important to note that gastric sleeve surgery is a permanent procedure and cannot be reversed.

Preparing for Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Before undergoing gastric sleeve surgery, you need to make a lifelong commitment to major changes in your diet and lifestyle. In the weeks leading up to your operation, try to adopt a healthy lifestyle to prepare your body for the changes after surgery, which can result in better weight loss outcomes.

Always inform your bariatric nurse/surgeon about the medications, vitamins, herbs, and other supplements you are taking. You may be asked to stop taking them before your surgery.

Ensure you have a ready supply of clear fluids, thin soups, and purees for the post-surgery period.

Make sure to have all necessary medications in liquid form, if required, after the surgery.

The Procedure: What Happens During Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

During the procedure at your Cruxcure agency in Izmir, Turkey, you will be under a general anesthetic. The surgery is performed laparoscopically, using keyhole surgery, which offers advantages like a shorter hospital stay, faster recovery time, reduced pain and bleeding, and minimal scarring.

Your weight loss surgeon will make small incisions in your stomach and insert a laparoscope with a light and camera lens, along with other surgical instruments, to remove a significant part of your stomach. The remaining portions of your stomach will then be joined together using surgical staples, forming a long sleeve-shaped tube that becomes your new stomach.

The procedure usually takes between 60 and 90 minutes.

Aftercare and Recovery

After the surgery, you will stay in the hospital for approximately two nights. Your stomach may be swollen and sore for a few days, and you may require pain relief. During the initial day after surgery, you can only consume clear fluids, gradually progressing to a liquid diet, soft moist foods, and finally solid foods over the course of four to six weeks.

It is essential to follow the strict gastric sleeve diet provided by your weight loss surgeon or a dietitian. Smaller portions will be necessary as your stomach will fill up quickly.

Take ample rest after the surgery and avoid straining your wound. Having someone to assist with everyday activities during the early days is advisable.

Most individuals can resume normal activities within two to four weeks after surgery. It's important to discuss your return to work and exercise plans with your weight loss surgeon.

Complications and Side Effects

Gastric sleeve surgery, like any operation, comes with possible complications and side effects. Some common side effects include pain, bruising, swelling around the wounds, and vomiting or feeling sick after overeating. To manage these, chew your food well, eat smaller portions, and adhere to your diet plan.

Potential complications include bleeding or blood clots, wound infections, stomach scarring leading to bowel blockage, inflamed stomach lining (gastritis), stomach ulcers, injury to adjacent organs, staple line leakage, and serious infection.

Before deciding to undergo gastric sleeve surgery, your weight loss surgeon will provide a detailed discussion of possible complications and side effects.

Cost of Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey Izmir

At your Cruxcure agency in Izmir, Turkey, gastric sleeve surgery typically costs between £2,000 and £4,000. Cruxcure agency in Izmir, Turkey offers a competitive guide price starting from £1,000, which includes 24 months of aftercare comprising appointments with specialist bariatric nurses, specialist dieticians, and medical reviews. Payment plans are available to fund your treatment.

In conclusion, gastric sleeve surgery at your Cruxcure agency in Türkiye Izmir is an effective and permanent solution for achieving significant weight loss and improving overall health. With careful preparation, a skilled weight loss surgeon, and proper aftercare, you can embrace a healthier lifestyle and enjoy the benefits of lasting weight loss.

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